Tudo o que desejo para o Natal é AMOR e SAÚDE!
Desde que tive filhos que deixei de fazer qualquer questão de receber presentes no Natal (mas não me importo). Não é “género”… é a mais pura verdade. O melhor presente de Natal para mim, nos últimos 9 anos, tem sido vê-las abrir os presentes que um Pai Natal atento lhes oferece. A incerteza da proveniência dos presentes, o ar de surpresa, a felicidade, a excitação… as gargalhadas, a partilha, o nosso pequeno almoço de dia 25… é para mim o momento mais alto do ano.
E este ano vai ser ainda mais especial, pois é o primeiro Natal do nosso Francisco!
Há 2 Natais elas perguntaram-me se o Pai Natal existia de verdade. Porque havia meninos lá na escola que diziam que o Pai Natal não existia e quem dava os presentes eram os pais. Não podia mentir, por isso disse que existia uma MÃE e um PAI Natal que gostavam muito delas.
Agora este ano pedi-lhes para fingirem que acreditam no Pai Natal outra vez, para que o Francisco acredite também. Elas concordaram, porque é muito giro acreditar no Pai Natal :)
All I want for Christmas is LOVE and HEALTH!
Since I had children I stopped wishing for gifts at Christmas (but I don't mind). It is not "just saying" ... it is the honest truth. The best Christmas gift to me for the last 9 years has been to see them open presents that a watchful Santa offers. The uncertainty of the source of gifts, the air of surprise, happiness, excitement ... the laughter, sharing, our breakfast on the 25th ... is for me the high point of the year.
Since I had children I stopped wishing for gifts at Christmas (but I don't mind). It is not "just saying" ... it is the honest truth. The best Christmas gift to me for the last 9 years has been to see them open presents that a watchful Santa offers. The uncertainty of the source of gifts, the air of surprise, happiness, excitement ... the laughter, sharing, our breakfast on the 25th ... is for me the high point of the year.
And this Christmas it will be even more special because it is our Francisco's first Christmas!
2 year ago they asked me if Santa Claus really existed. Because there were some friends at school who said that Santa does not exist and who gave gifts were the parents. I could not lie, so I said that there was a MOTHER and FATHER Christmas that loved them very much.
Now this year I asked them to pretend they believe in Father Christmas again, so that Francisco also believes. They agreed, because it is very good to believe in Santa :)
2 year ago they asked me if Santa Claus really existed. Because there were some friends at school who said that Santa does not exist and who gave gifts were the parents. I could not lie, so I said that there was a MOTHER and FATHER Christmas that loved them very much.
Now this year I asked them to pretend they believe in Father Christmas again, so that Francisco also believes. They agreed, because it is very good to believe in Santa :)