Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Plantas na minha varanda »» Plants on my balcony

Em meados de Março fui à Feira e era só plantas por todo o lado! Toda a gente estava a comprar coisas para plantar! Havia de tudo em pequenino: pés de couve de vários tipos, cebola, courgete, alface, várias ervas aromáticas, e também havia fruta!
Como era tudo super barato decidi comprar 5 pés de alface e 5 pés de morangueiro! 5 de cada porque o espaço nas minhas varandas não é abundante e os vasinhos teriam de arranjar lugar entre os vários vasos de orquídeas que já lá têm o seu lugar ao sol!

A ideia era essencialmente mostrar às miúdas o crescimento das alfaces de dia para dia (confesso que em relação aos morangos a expectativa era baixa). Os vasos até foram para a varanda do quarto delas e ficaram encarregues de as regar!

Para espanto de todos a coisa funcionou! Já comemos 2 alfaces das "nossas" e este fim-de-semana colhemos os primeiros morangos, que apesar de poucos (eram só 7) eram deliciosos!
Estou rendida aos encantos da jardinagem. Quem sabe o que vamos plantar a seguir!

In mid-March I went to the city Fair and there were plants everywhere! Everyone was buying things to plant! There was a bit of everything: shoots of various types of cabbage, onion, courgette, lettuce, various aromatic herbs, and there was also fruit! 
As everything was very cheap I decided to buy 5 lettuce shoots  and 5 strawberry shoots! 5 of each because the space on my balcony is not abundant and the vases would have to make room among several potted orchids that already have their place in the sun!

The idea was essentially to show the girls the lettuces' day to day
growth (I confess that in relation to the strawberries my expectation was low). We put the vases on their room's balcony and they were in charge of watering the plants!

To everyone's amazement it worked! We already ate 2 lettuces and this weekend we
harvested the first strawberries, which were delicious but only 7!
I surrendered to the charms of gardening. Who knows what we will plant next!

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