* And when you think there is no greater love,
then comes your second child
and proves that love is
No post anterior falei dos essenciais para o recém- nascido, ou seja tudo o que comprei, me emprestaram ou ofereceram aquando da minha primeira gravidez, a das gémeas!
Desta segunda gravidez já tinha a grande maioria dos essenciais e foi bem mais fácil!
A verdade é que da segunda vez estamos mais descontraídos. Já sabemos o que nos espera e claro que apesar de querermos o melhor para os nossos filhos, aprendemos que não vale muito investir imenso dinheiro em coisas que vão ser usadas por muito pouco tempo. Por esta altura também temos imensas outras coisas onde gastar o dinheiro, seja com a escola dos mais velhos, actividades, roupas, etc
In the previous post I talked about the newborn essentials, everything we bought, we borrowed or was offered me during my first pregnancy, of the twins!
In this second pregnancy I already had the vast majority of essentials and it was much easier!
The truth is that the second time we are much more relaxed. We know what awaits us and despite wanting the best for our children, we learnt that is not worth much to invest huge money in things that will be used for little time. By this time we also have many other things on which to spend the money, either in the older kids school, activities, clothes, etc.
In this second pregnancy I already had the vast majority of essentials and it was much easier!
The truth is that the second time we are much more relaxed. We know what awaits us and despite wanting the best for our children, we learnt that is not worth much to invest huge money in things that will be used for little time. By this time we also have many other things on which to spend the money, either in the older kids school, activities, clothes, etc.
Então agora foi assim:
O carrinho de gémeos e os ovinhos já tínhamos vendido e por isso comprámos um em segunda mão, também da Bébé Confort por continuarmos a achar que são dos melhores do mercado!
A banheira com muda fraldas tinha ido para o lixo, de tão rota que estava (a parte do muda fraldas, obviamente). Mas a minha amiga Ana ofereceu-me uma novinha :)
A cadeira da papa estava na garagem, foi só dar uma lavagem! Parece novinha em folha.
A cama de grades também ainda tínhamos na garagem e estava óptima!
A roupa de cama, almofadas e toalhas ainda estava toda guardada, foi só lavar e passar - eu sou daquelas que guarda tudo!!!
So this time it was like this:
We had already sold the twins stroller and car seats so we bought one second hand, also from Bébé Confort as we still believe they are the best on the market!
The bathtub with diaper changer had gone to waste. The girls managed to tear it apart! But my friend Ana gave me a brand new one :)
The highchairs were in the garage, it only needed a good wash! Looks brand new.
The cribs were also still in the garage and they are as good as new !
Bed linens, pillows and towels were all still kept away, they only needed washing and ironing - I am one of those who keeps everything !!!
We had already sold the twins stroller and car seats so we bought one second hand, also from Bébé Confort as we still believe they are the best on the market!
The bathtub with diaper changer had gone to waste. The girls managed to tear it apart! But my friend Ana gave me a brand new one :)
The highchairs were in the garage, it only needed a good wash! Looks brand new.
The cribs were also still in the garage and they are as good as new !
Bed linens, pillows and towels were all still kept away, they only needed washing and ironing - I am one of those who keeps everything !!!
Para o meu Francisco comprei um saco das fraldas que adoro da Tuc Tuc.
Uma espreguiçadeira de banho da Bébé Confort (um must!) porque a outra tinha sido emprestada.
Um ninho (que ele detesta, não gosta de se sentir preso).
Uma escova de cabelo da Bébé Confort azulinha, mas confesso que utilizo mais a da Chicco, que apesar de ser cor-de-rosa é super macia!
Voltámos a comprar biberons Tigex , pois apartir dos 3 meses teve de começar a fazer suplemento.
Desta vez alguns amigos emprestaram-nos uma espreguiçadeira, uma almofada de amamentação, um esterilizador (que adoro e recomendo!) e uma bomba para tirar o leite da Medela!
E de puericultura estamos feitos! Agora só faltam as roupinhas, mantinhas, fraldinhas, .... e a malinha da maternidade para a mamã e para o bebé :)
For my Francisco I just bought a Tuc Tuc diaper bag that I felt in love with.
A Bébé Confort bath recliner (a must have!) Because the other had been borrowed.
A sleeping sack (which he hates, does not like to feel trapped).
A blue hairbrush from Bébé Confort. But I confess that I use Chicco's, despite being pink is super soft!
We again bought Tigex bottles.
This time some friends lent us a lounge chair, a breastfeeding cushion , a sterilizer (which I love and recommend!) And a breast pump from Medela!
A Bébé Confort bath recliner (a must have!) Because the other had been borrowed.
A sleeping sack (which he hates, does not like to feel trapped).
A blue hairbrush from Bébé Confort. But I confess that I use Chicco's, despite being pink is super soft!
We again bought Tigex bottles.
This time some friends lent us a lounge chair, a breastfeeding cushion , a sterilizer (which I love and recommend!) And a breast pump from Medela!
And we were done with childcare products! Now it's only missing the baby clothes, baby blankets, baby burp cloths, .... and the suitcase to take to the hospital with all for the new mom and baby :)