Saturday 14 January 2017

Obstrução »» Obstruction

Ontem foi dia de limpar a casa. Depois de arrumar tudo no sitio, sacudir os tapetes e limpar o pó começo a aspirar, mas o aspirador só arrasta o lixo de um lado para o outro.
Desmanchei o aspirador todo, até que vejo qualquer coisa mais ou menos a meio do cano.
Munida de vários instrumentos (nem queiram saber) estive 15 minutos a tentar tirar o tal objecto.
Finalmente consegui! Era um jogador de futebol de brincar.
Incrédula como é que aquilo tinha lá entrado, mas ok. Toca a aspirar que se faz tarde.
Passado 5 minutos o aspirador já não aspirava outra vez.
Mau! Será por ser sexta feira 13?
Desmontei tudo outra vez. E conseguia ver outra coisa no tubo!
Mais 15 minutos e saía o 2ª membro da equipa de futebol!
Mas já conseguia ver os pés de mais um.
Meia hora depois tenho quase a equipa toda!

- Chamaste, mamã?
- Sim, chamei. Foste tu que pusestes estes brinquedos no aspirador?
- Sim! queria ajudar-te a limpar a casa!

Yesterday was cleaning day. After putting everything in it's place, shaking the dust off the carpets and cleaning the dust I began to vacuum, but the vacuum cleaner only dragged the trash from side to side.
I disassembled the whole vacuum cleaner until I saw something about halfway down the pipe.
Armed with various instruments (you don't want to know) I spent 15 minutes trying to get the object out.
I finally got it! It was a football player toy.
Disbelieving how it had came in there, but okay. Let's just vaccum because it's getting late.
After 5 minutes the vacuum cleaner was not vacuuming again.
Damn! Is it because it's Friday the 13th?
I took it all apart again. And I could see something else in the tube!
Another 15 minutes and the second member of the soccer team was out!
But I could already see the feet of another one .
Half an hour later I have almost the whole team!

- You called, Mommy?
- Yeah, I called. Did you put these toys in the vacuum cleaner?
- Yes! I wanted to help you clean the house!

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