No dia 7 de Fevereiro foi o baptizado e festa de aniversário do nosso Francisco !
Custa-me muito acreditar que já tem 1 aninho, o meu bebé.
A cerimónia religiosa foi na Sé Nova de Coimbra e a recepção e festa de aniversário foi no Restaurante Manuel Júlio em Santa Lúzia. Estava tudo óptimo!
Foram de uma simpatia extrema, atendendo a todos os meus pedidos (eu quando quero, sou muito chata) e a comida estava deliciosa.
A Igreja estava definida, não podia ser outra. O restaurante foi fácil de escolher.
Tive muitas dúvidas foi na hora de escolher a roupa.
Só encontrava ou coisas muito abebezadas (tipo cueiros e fofos acetinados) ou roupa de homenzinho (fato com calças e casaco).
A verdade é que nem gostava de uma opção, nem da outra.
Por isso, optei por uma roupa mais "normal".
A maioria das pessoas achou que ele ia muito simples, eu ADOREI!!!
A roupa mandei vir da Vertbaudet e os sapatos fui comprar à Chicco.
On the 7th February it was our Francisco's Christening and Birthday party!
It's hard to believe that he is already 1, my small baby.
The religious ceremony was at Sé Nova de Coimbra and the reception and birthday party was at Restaurante Manuel Júlio in Santa Lúzia. Everything was great!
They were extremely nice, meeting all my requests (when I want, I'm very demanding) and the food was delicious.
The Church was defined, it coul not be other. The restaurant was easy to choose.
I had many doubts was when choosing my baby's clothes.
I only found things that were too babyish (swadding-cloths like long dresses) or little man clothing (suits with pants and jacket).
I had many doubts was when choosing my baby's clothes.
I only found things that were too babyish (swadding-cloths like long dresses) or little man clothing (suits with pants and jacket).
The truth is that I didn't like an option or the other.
So I decided for a more "normal" clothing.
Most people thought he was very simple, I LOVED how he loked!!!
The clothing came from Vertbaudet and the shoes I bought at Chicco.
So I decided for a more "normal" clothing.
Most people thought he was very simple, I LOVED how he loked!!!
The clothing came from Vertbaudet and the shoes I bought at Chicco.
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imagens/ photos by Vertbaudet e/and Chicco |
Decidi decorar eu mesma o salão para lhe dar um ar mais de festa :)
Comprei balões (com estrelinhas) e pompons na loja Happy Brindes & Festas.
Eu e as miúdas recortámos estrelinhas azuis e colocámos uma em cada copo para identificar o lugar de cada convidado nas mesas. As miúdas é que escreveram o nome de cada pessoa :)
Acho que são os pequenos pormenores que tornam as coisas especiais. Eu adorei o resultado final(mas sou suspeita)!
I decided to decorate the restaurant room myself to look more of a party :)
I bought balloons (with stars) and pompoms in a facebook store named Happy Brindes & Festas.
Me and the girls cut out lots of little blue stars and we put one in each water glass to identify the place of each guest at the table. The girls wrote the names of each person :)
I think it's the little details that make things special. I loved the end result (but I am suspect)!
I bought balloons (with stars) and pompoms in a facebook store named Happy Brindes & Festas.
Me and the girls cut out lots of little blue stars and we put one in each water glass to identify the place of each guest at the table. The girls wrote the names of each person :)
I think it's the little details that make things special. I loved the end result (but I am suspect)!
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imagens/ photos by Fotopop |
Ou melhor 2 espaços um para as maiores (entre 7 e 10 anos) do qual as miúdas ficaram encarregues: levaram lápis de cor, canetas de feltro, folhas em branco e jogos!
E outro para os mais pequenos (entre 1 e 4 anos), infelizmente ainda não tenho foto deste espaço, mas quando tiver coloco aqui!
As we had many children amongst the guests, I decided to create a space for them to play.
Or rather two spaces one for the oldest (between 7 and 10 years old) from which the girls were in charge: they took crayons, pens, blank sheets and games!
And one for the little ones (from 1 to 4 years), we still have no photo of this space, but as soon as I have it I will put it here!
Or rather two spaces one for the oldest (between 7 and 10 years old) from which the girls were in charge: they took crayons, pens, blank sheets and games!
And one for the little ones (from 1 to 4 years), we still have no photo of this space, but as soon as I have it I will put it here!
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imagem/ photo by Fotopop |
Houve 2 bolos, claro!
O do baptizado feito pela Pastelaria Caprichos Celestiais exactamente como tinha pedido! E que estava delicioso :)
There were two cakes, of course!
The christening cake was made by Pastelaria Caprichos Celestiais exactly as I had requested! And it was delicious :)
The christening cake was made by Pastelaria Caprichos Celestiais exactly as I had requested! And it was delicious :)
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imagem/ photo by Fotopop |
E o do aniversário, feito aqui pela mamã :)
And the birthday cake was made by mommy here :)
Inspirada em imagens que reuni no meu Pinterest criei uma espécie de árvore dos desejos, onde cada convidado deixou uma mensagem para o meu Francisco.
AMEI ler tudo o que escreveram nas estrelinhas
obrigada a todos.
Tenho a certeza que o Francisco quando crescer também vai gostar de ler!
Inspired by images I collected on my Pinterest I created a kind of wish-fulfilling tree, where each guest left a message for my Francisco.
I LOVED reading everything written in the little stars
Thank you all.
I am sure that when he grows up Francisco will also enjoy reading!
I LOVED reading everything written in the little stars
I am sure that when he grows up Francisco will also enjoy reading!
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imagens/ photos by Fotopop |
E finalmente aqui estão as lembranças que fizemos! Digo isto literalmente, pois só as fotos é que foram mandadas fazer. Eu e as miúdas recortámos papel craft, recortámos papel de impressão, recortámos as estrelas em feltro, colámos e escrevemos à mão todos os 40 postais!
And finally here are the favors we made! I mean that literally, because only the photos were sent to do. Me and the girls cut out craft paper, printing paper, cut out the felt stars, glued and hand wrote all 40 cards!
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imagens/ photos by Fotopop |
O texto de agradecimento é o seguinte:
The thank-you text is as follows:
Baptizado do Francisco
7 de Fevereiro de 2015
por terem vindo!
por terem tornado este dia
num momento tão especial!
por iluminarem o caminho do Francisco!
por sabermos que o Francisco
pode sempre contar convosco!
Francisco's Christening
February 7, 2015
for coming!
for making this day
such a special moment!
for illuminating Francisco's path !
because we know that Francisco
can always count on you!
February 7, 2015
for coming!
for making this day
such a special moment!
for illuminating Francisco's path !
because we know that Francisco
can always count on you!